eReturn Paper Documents Electronically
Do you want to mitigate time and cost for your constituents?
SWIFT greatly reduces the factors of time and cost since accepted paper documents are returned promptly as a digital PDF to the recipient's email address. Recorded documents are returned to submitters faster than if they were to be mailed and they will save on spending since there is no need for postage or shipping material.
SWIFT also provides the ability to track who has received their eReturned documents, allowing your office to confirm that a recipient received their document. If their document was not returned, a resend feature is available. A built-in calculator will also inform of how much postage, labor, and supply cost has been saved for the office.
Do you have the ability to quickly notify constituents if a document was rejected?
SWIFT allows users to return rejected paper documents to the submitter via the provided email address. With this notification, submitters can now rectify any error and resubmit to the office to allow for proper processing and a complete transaction.
Would your customers benefit from receiving an electronic copy of their recorded documents?
Submitting customers that have opted for the service will have their paper documents returned via email as a PDF. Instant notification is given once the document is recorded and receipted. The submitter will not have to scan the original and will be able to use the digital PDF for their systems. Even walk-in customers can receive their documents via email.
"The most beneficial aspect I see from offering Swift to my constituents is the fact that they are getting their recorded or rejected documents back much more quickly. In the instance of a document being rejected, the submitter will now be able to take corrective action sooner, enabling them to save a lot time. An added bonus is that the document is returned digitally to the submitter, which saves them the extra step of then scanning the original. With Swift, they already have it."
- Jessica Lopez, Recorder, Miami County, OH
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